Friday, September 2, 2011

Blog Post # 2

            The video clip "Did You Know?”Did You Know was very informative on how technology is increasing over the years. Google searches increases from 2.7 billion in 2006 to 31 billion in 2008. Bermuda is the number one ranked country in broadband internet pention.  Also how facebook only took two years to market an audience of 50 million people, versus a radio which took 38 years. The author stated that 25 percent of India’s population has the largest I.Q. which is greater than the total population in the United States.
             I feel as an American that this is true; I primarily believe this has to do with how rapid technology is evolving and with all the new gadgets being created. Children and young adults rather play with a video game and watch YouTube videos then study and do work. I’m not saying that people in India don't play video games as well; I feel maybe they have better study habits. With all of this said the amount of new technical information is doubling every two years, creating more job opportunities to jobs that aren’t even created yet.

The video clip "Mr. Winkle Wakes”Mr. Winkle Wakes is about a man who sleeps for a hundred years and then finally he woke up. He left his house and traveled the streets and saw big buildings and new things. He went to an office where there was these strange machines that did anything you asked it to do. One could have meetings over the computer as well, but Mr. Winkle did not like that, he started to feel sick so he left. He went to the hospital and saw the same similar machines. Mr. Winkle was amazed how people could stay alive off of machines and other medical devices. He knew then he had to leave.
The sad thing about this story is how Mr. Winkle went to a school, and he remembered it the same way it was 100 years ago, with the exception of the dusty machine box in the back of the room. This really tells us something about the education system and how it needs to be improved. All the technology is improving and getting better as I learned from watching "Did You Know", and from personal experiences. So if technical information is doubling every two years, then what happen to the education system?

Sir Ken Robinson in the video "The Importance of Creativity"The Importance of Creativity made a really good point to why the education system lacks creativity and any self reflection on an individual. One had to fit "in", if not you were consider different. Sir. Robinson said how a child takes chances and is not afraid of the outcome. If you are not prepared to be wrong you will never come up with anything original, and I agree with him 100 percent. Being creative is part of growing up, it's part of life. Sir Robinson also said that mistakes are the worst thing you can make in an education system, I feel this is because the education system is designed to do something only one way which is their way; and if you cannot do it like them, then you are wrong.
            In society, we think that art and dance is not more important than science and math, simply because of the originality and creativity one needs to become a dancer, it just comes natural. Sir. Robinson also said how degrees are not really worth anything these days because as the years go by one will need to father there education and get a PH. D or doctorate degree. We also grow out of creativity making it harder for "humans" to be open minded about life. I agree with Sir Robinson on how the gift of human imagination should not be wasted. It’s a gift, imagination has a purpose and it is very useful.

In the video interview,Cecelia Gault's Interview Cecelia Gault was very enthused and energetic about what she was doing. Her task was to give Sir. Robinson an interview about his lecture on the Importance of Creativity. Even though Cecelia Gault is very young, she still knew exactly what she wanted to be when she grew up; and would be an educator of some sort. One of the main person or persons depending on the classroom environment was the teacher. The teacher keeps the students enthused on becoming educators as we can tell from Cecelia Gault’s interview. Cecelia asked Sir. Robinson what was the three facts he demonstrated in the lecture about creativity, and Sir. Robinson was able to answer them because he knew exactly what Cecelia wanted. Sir Robinson said that everyone is creative, you can be creative with anything, and you can teach people to be more creative.

For me to keep my class educated as Cecelia’s teacher did, I would have to work hard to keep my class energetic and excited about leaning. I would also have to keep in mind that being creative and having imagination is just as important as a math problem or reading a story. I would have to learn what each student is good at doing and build from there. I would also have to demonstrate a positive atmosphere and positive leadership to keep the class flowing just right. And also to inspire the students that they can do and become anything they put their mind to.

In the video Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students Digital SmartsHarness Your Digital Smarts by Vicki Davis, was very inspiring because I am getting connected to the world in EDM 310. Vicki said the every student can learn, but only certain students succeed with pen and paper; meaning that every student does not learn the same. Using technology can be used as another form of teaching and it is very hand on. Vicki teaches the students to learn new software and also how to use technology. She wants he students to be very independent and do some learning on their own, for example; if she gives the students a new word and they don’t know what it means, and then Vicki expects the students to look it up.
happy kids

I find Vicki’s teachings very helpful because it demonstrates independence and gives the students some freedom to learn on their own. Most teachers feel that it is important to know the topic that is going to be taught, buy Vicki feels that yes it’s true for some things but at the same time, it’s also good to learn new things as you go along. Vicki gave the students inspiration to what is out in the world and enhanced there knowledge to what to expect. Also if you empower the students then you will have a better classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Alyssa,

    I enjoyed reading your post but I must ask, was there anything you encountered in all that was assigned for this post that might have made you disagree? It is alright if you did happen to agree with everything assigned, but sometimes it is good to talk about what you disagree with and why. Do not be afraid to disagree! That is what encourages discussion. Be sure to proof read your writing before posting because I did find some grammatical errors. Also, in future posts, when you attach a link, you do not have to write the title as both a link and just text. Simply write it as a link. If you are having trouble with this, come by the lab and we can help you fix it!

    This was a good, detailed post. Keep up the good work!
