Sunday, December 4, 2011

Blog Post #14

In Jose Picardo's educational blog "Triptico is an excellent resource for teachers to use in conjunction with their interactive whiteboards that currently contains around 20 different interactive resources – all of which can be easily edited, adapted and saved for later use." You can also coustimize your own lesson plan to fit the students needs. Also he talks about how IPad's can be very useful in the classrooms because they show great promise, "not only being used in lesson, but also in allowing us to explore and develop different and innovative ways to provide our students with relevant content." The use of e books, comic life, and different apps available for different subjects will definitely help the students understand the materials better, due to the examples and models that are equip with an IPad. The third main topic on the educational blog is creating a blog video with quiz while use WordPress. The threee steps are; record the video, edit and upload the video, and quiz away. The system allows the student to see what questions they miss and the correct answer that goes along with it. This is a new way to get the results of your students accomplishments.

Jose Picardo created a video that included his Top ten tips for using technology in the classroom. Tip one, use streaming video in the classroom like youtube and other sources. Tip two, use music more often. Get to know what kind of music the student in your classroom like and use that to your advantage. Use sources like Itones. Tip three, use teleconferencing tools. Like Skype to communicate with other teacher and students around the world. Tip four, create your own interactive exercises. Since you should know what your students strength and weaknesses are, tailor the lesson plans to their needs. Tip five, use interactive whiteboards more effectively. Tip six, create your own podcast. Use sources like audacity to enhance performance. Podcast to me are a great way to get students involved with learning. Tip seven, start a blog or wiki. This will allow you to showcase your students work and achievement. Tip eight, use social media like facebook. Some people say that facebook is not a good way to learn but at the same time facebook allows you to create closed groups to let you communicate with the students privately. To me facebook is a good way of communication. Tip nine, use internet tools. Tip ten, make the most of your pupils' gadgets. I feel that these ten tips will definitely will help a teacher become a better teacher and succeed. "Technology can help motivate you and your pupil and make learning more relevant to them."
Jose Picardo also wrote Technology and Education or a list of resources for teachers. This website is a list of all of Jose Picardo's software he uses in his classrooms or just an exciting website to him. He list the names in alphabetical order form which is a fun site to create text-to-speech animations to ZooBurst which is a digital storytelling tool that is designed to let anyone easily create their own customized 3D pop-up books. Also everything in between A to Z. these names are very useful in the education field, they will all come in handy one day to me as I become and educator.

Thursday, December 1, 2011



A personal learning network of PLN "consist of the people a learner interacts with and derives knowledge from in a Personal Learning Environment" My Personal learning network is comprised of all the information that we learned in EDM310 but is not limited to just that. I have over 70 people on my twitter account that could could reference to if I need assistance to a particular topic or if I just need advise. Also on Skype I have several educators on my Skype account who I could call and ask question. I have personal links on my symbaloo to get back back and forth from one sight to another. Everything I need for school is on my symbaloo such as; University of South Alabama homepage, University of South Alabama online, gmail, twitter, math applications, and links to some teachers blogs. I hope to continue adding people to my PLN to enhance my learning ability.

C4T #4 Summary

Mr. Kruse wrote a letter to Mr. Branstad expressing how he felt that the STEM council was made up less than 25% of educators. Also Mr. Kruse feels that Mr. Branstad's action speak louder than words, he said " Your actions speak louder than words. Your actions say you are more interested in pleasing business than helping kids." I really enjoyed what Mr. Kruse said about the buisness people. "If business leaders want to improve workplace efficiency, they bring in a workplace efficiency consultant. Yet, you’ve called in non-experts to “fix” something they know nothing about. If business leaders want a high quality workforce based on a high quality education, they should recognize that they are not the experts we need." To me this show that Mr. Kruse really cares about the students. In my comment to him, I stated that it was nice to know that he really cares about the students and how we need more educators like him in the education systems.

The Hype Cycle


Mr. Kruse is a very outspoken person, he likes to express his opinion in any way to get his point across. Mr. Kruse post on The Hype Cycle really got me to think about how some teachers only go so far to get a point across, but the outstanding teachers put more into it. I really liked what Mr. Kruse said about how "an effective teacher can’t then notice an anomaly and ask just the right question at just the right time to stimulate that child’s interest and push their thinking deeper than if the student simply followed the directions." Good teachers will teach with the new tools that are being offered, but a teacher who is stuck in the pass may not have the right skills to teach in this day and age. Like Mr. Kruse said, a good teacher will adjust and bad teacher will stick to the same old habits.

C4K Summary Post

Ashlee was very excited about the Rugby World Cup Game. He day go better once Ashlee's dad told her they were going to see the game. Ashlee's favorite part of the Rugby game was the fireworks because they were very colorful and cool to look at. I told Ashlee that fireworks are very cool to look because I like to look at them myself. I was glad that Ashlee had a wonderful time, and it was nice to see what she was talking about since she posted an amazing video

Nick took a trip to Spain and had a great time. He went to a Fiesta and told us about the bullfights. I told Nick that if I ever went to Spain I would love to go see a bullfight and go to a Fiesta. Also his blog was very colorful, and for each topic Nick brought up on his trip to Spain, he had a picture to go with it.

Project #16