Peer Editing can be very useful if the peer editor knows exactly what they are doing. The three steps on evaluating a paper is first start with positive comments. Then give good suggestions like word choice, details, organization, sentences, topic. The third thing to remember is make corrections. Watching the video make it easier to understand some of the possible problems that might happen when you peer edit a persons work like getting distracted or being to harsh.
The main thing in the video that sticks out is really keep the positive image when you read someone else work. Even if the author did a bad job and had a lot of errors, still be positive. Also don't be mean to the author either, that will just make things worse as we seem in the video.
In the post "It's Not About the Technology" I agree with Kelly Hines. Technology to me is not everything and we as a society should stop depending on technology. Technology will help, but only if you are familiar with it. Mrs. Hines said some really good things like teacher must be learners. This way teachers will be more open to new ideas and to new things. Teachers who truly want to be successful must be voracious and self-motivated in their pursuit of evolving understanding. Also learning and teaching are not the same thing. As I was telling Mrs. Hines in a post to her, I said that I had a teacher once who asked why wasn't I understanding the problem the teacher done about 10 time. Well it was because I did not learn it because of the way it was explained.
Technology is useless without good teaching, because if someone has a smart board but does not know how to use it, then there is not point of having it. A teacher must be perpetual learners who are invested in their professions. Lastly be a 21st century teacher without the technology. If a teacher can prepare the student to be creative and innovative, those students will be prepared in the future. It should just be about technology, because some times technology wont help.
I disagree with Mr Fisch on how he thinks that all teachers should be Technological Savvy. Technology should not be the main thing teachers or any body to rely in. What would happen if all the technology just disappeared on day? Then the world would be one messed up place, and only a few people would know what to do. It is good for teachers to know how to use the technology when it is necessary, but other than that I feel it might be a waist of time. Why have a smart board in the class room if the teacher does not know how to use it? Or why try and make peoples life difficult if it is not even called for.
One of the biggest misconceptions we have today, is how the society is backwards. India has the smartest people in the country, not because of the technology they have but for other purposes. The kids their are way smarter than the children in the United States. To me, that really says a lot.
Gary Hayes Social Media
is very scary to think about sometimes. It is a shame to see how many people use facebook and twitter instead of learning knowledgeable things and ideas. It is also amazing at the same time to see how many people use technology every single day.I would say, if learning was as simple as writing a post on facebook, then the world would be really smart. Technology use is easy for some people to learn, but what about for the others? Teaching is the same way, some students are hands on learners, and others might be more visual.
If we rely on technology, then when something happens to all the technology, where would we be? It is good to learn how to use facebook, twitter, and skype, but only if you want to reconnect with people and maybe even family member. Other than that, these sites are useless. All I can say is be more independent.
I really enjoyed watching the video A vision of Students Today by: Michael Wesch. I like the question at the end of the video that said can technology save us? My response was no, if we use technology for all the wrong reasons. To me technology for the bad reasons are starting to corrupt peoples lives. Why would someone even want to be on facebook for over 5 hours or tweet every second of the day? I feel it to be a waist of time. Even while a student is in class, they might be paying attention to their smart phone than paying attention to their professor.
I believe that technology for the good is a good step in direction. It brings positive messages to those in hope of something new. Such as technology that might help locate a missing person, or technology that saves someones life. I all all for the good use of technology, even if it is in a class room.
"What would happen if all the technology just disappeared on day? Then the world would be one messed up place, and only a few people would know what to do." How likely is that to happen? You meant one correct?
ReplyDelete"It is good for teachers to know how to use the technology when it is necessary, but other than that I feel it might be a waist of time. Why have a smart board in the class room if the teacher does not know how to use it? Or why try and make peoples life difficult if it is not even called for." Although I am not a big fan of IW boards, I think it is appropriate to ask a teacher who has access technology to use it and if he/she does not know how or when to use it then it is certainly appropriate to ask them to learn. Or even insist that they learn.
"One of the biggest misconceptions we have today, is how the society is backwards. India has the smartest people in the country, not because of the technology they have but for other purposes." This is not true. In addition it is not well written. What do you mean by "for other purposes"?
"It is a shame to see how many people use facebook and twitter instead of learning knowledgeable things and ideas." Are there no learning opportunities when using Facebook and/or Twitter?
"It is good to learn how to use facebook, twitter, and skype, but only if you want to reconnect with people and maybe even family member. Other than that, these sites are useless. " Wow! Only useful to connect with people? That certainly is not true for me as far as Twitter and Skype are concerned. And I am beginning to see how Facebook can be an effective teaching/learning medium.
You need to work on your writing.
ReplyDeleteYou show some detail in your post, but you need to work on your grammar. Also, your title and image modifiers on your picture are wrong, for example, when I place my cursor over your image, the source of the image shows up as "border=" which is wrong. On the right side panel of your blog, you are supposed to have a "Contact Me" and the gadgets need to be placed in a different order. I am not trying to overwhelm you. I am only trying to help you succeed in this class. If you want to come by the lab during the lab hours, ANY of the lab assistants will be more than happy to help you out with any or all of these issues!
ReplyDeleteI come to the lab often for assistance, and when I do ask for help I always get a funny look and someone then would say did you read the directions, or it is in the directions, and that is very discouraging.
ReplyDeleteI hate to hear that you feel that way about the lab assistants. We are here to help out and EDM 310 students should think fondly of us, not badly! If you would like to come by during the time that I work the lab, I would be more than happy to help. I work Thursday September 29, 12 PM - 1:30 PM. The following week, I will work Thursday October 6, 11 AM - 3 PM and Friday October 7, 12:30 PM - 6:00 PM. Please come by!