Sunday, November 13, 2011

C4K # 10


Ms. Yollis blog was very informative and descriptive because it displayed information and pictures on interesting topics. There was a wiki on fuel cells, and how fuel cells are used and how they work. As of November 13, 2011, Ms. Yollis has 75,679 visits on her class blog; and on the class blog for EDM310, there are about 51,308 visits. The visits are from all over the world. Ms.Yollis honored the Veterans by having a video up and a flag, she also had Halloween stories. Also there is maps, capital building pictures, animations, and how to video's for the students to look at. There is a link to all the kids blogs.
While looking at Ms. Yollis blog I saw a link to one of her students blog and I left a comment for Nick. Nick took a trip to Spain and had a great time. He went to a Fiesta and told us about the bullfights. I told Nick that if I ever went to Spain I would love to go see a bullfight and go to a Fiesta. On the front page of Ms. Yollis's blog there are several links to different places. For instance; there is a link to Meeting the Bloggers, Time Zones of Friends, and a Video: How to Comment. The most informative part to Ms. Yollis's blog for the students is the Welcome to Mrs. Yollis' blog. There is a link to the spelling words, math help, homework, reading, and much more. This blog is a way to enhance technology in the classroom.

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